Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Happy Propose Day SMS | Happy Propose Day 2014 Wishes| Propose Day Quotes 2014

Happy propose day 2014 wishes

1. Love is like a cloud. Love is like a dream love is 1wrd and everything in between love is a fairytale come true. Coz I found love when I found U.
Happy Propose Day Wishes 2014

2. ‘Life counts all the roads we travel. Sum are smooth, sum are rough. Sum I would rather 4get.but there’s 1 road I won’t regret-d road where we met n bcame frnds.
Happy Propose Day 2014 New Wishes

3. Ek ada aapki Dil churane ki,
Ek ada aapki Dil me bus jane ki,
Chehra apka chand sa,
aur ek zid hamari chand pane ki!
Happy Propose Day 2014 Wish

4. I never saw so sweet a face
As that I stood before.
My heart has left its dwelling place
And can return no more.
Be with me forever.
Wishes for Happy propose day 2014

5. The knee lay upon a smile & rose,
He says aloud be my wife today, now i propose…
Happy Propose day 2014

6. I am opening an emotional bank account for u sweetheart
So deposit your love in it and you will get the interest.
Be my partner

Happy Propose Day 2014 Quotes

7. I Love You For Not
What You Are
But What I Become
When I Am There With You
SO Be With Me Forever
Happy Propose Day 2014 Quotes

8. I Have No Heart
I have a heart n that is true,
But now it has
gone from me to u,
So care for it just like i do,
B’COZ i have no
heart n u have two

9. As Days Go By
As days go by, my feelings get stronger,
To be in your arms, I can’t wait any longer.
Look into my eyes & you’ll see that it’s true,
Day & Night my thought r for U..
Quotes for Happy Propose Day 2014
10. The sweetest way to propose:
“Excuse me, do you have a band aid,
Because i scrapped my knee
When i fell in love with you
Cho Chweet

Happy Propose Day 2014 New Quotes

1. If I reached for your hand, will u hold it?
If I hold out my arms, will u hug me?
If I go for your lips, will u kiss me?
If I capture your heart, will u love me??
Happy Propose Day 2014

2. Did you know they changed the alphabet?
They put U and I together.
Happy Propose Day 2014
3. I propose all my friends for lifetime Friendship
With full dedication,
no complaints,
No Demands
What do u say..?
Happy propose day 2014

4. U r unique
U r caring and
U r the Best.. And I am d luckiest to have U in my life!
Happy Propose Day 2014 my sweet heart!

5. No poems no fancy words I just want the world to know that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart.
Happy Propose Day 2014 Quotes

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